Natural, effective, no added chemicals, ingredients you can pronounce

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Change in weather

Spring has sprung here on the North East.  Our skin reacts to the moisture in the air, so I don't have to be as diligent with my moisturizer, right?   Wrong!   We might need to change up our regimen, but we need to maintain one.   Change your regimen when you change the clocks, the batteries in the smoke detectors and when you see the buds on those daffodils.

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Pomegranate Seed Oil

One of the key ingredients in our eye cream is Pomegranate Seed Oil.   We hear a lot about the benefit of Pom to our insides, but what about for our skin?  It turns out that it's great for oily and and dry skin types.   The HIGH OMEGA 5 Fatty Acid (Punicic acid) levels in Pomegranate Seed Oil has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties by helping to fend off free radicals. It also helps unclog pores on the face to help in relieve the symptoms of acne.   Sounds great, don't you agree?

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