Cocoa butter is an anti-oxidant power house! It's a great emollient that fights off free radical damage. Try our Xtra Layer with it's combination of shea and cocoa butters...yum!
Full disclosure peeps - ours doesn't contain alcohol. Nor do we claim to kill 99% of all germs. We offer a safe, natural alternative to those that have sensitive skin. All the ingredients contain anti-bacterial properties. A nice addition to routine hand washing that won't destroy your skin. #noalcohol #handsanitizer #savemyskin
Most of your cosmetics come stamped with a date or recommendation for how long they last after being opened. Are you one of those with a drawer over flowing with expired, spoiled, crusty, smelly and unusable products? Take advantage of spring cleaning and purge! Our products are made to order, but like the big guys, we recommend you use or purge within 6 months. :-)